
Metronia Online incorporates two halls from Rodriguez Villar Group in Catalonia to its electronic bingo network

By |2014-11-11T13:49:32+00:00November 11th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

Since Thursday 6th November, two new bingo halls in Catalonia offer Metronia’s electronic bingo (BeM) to their customers, whereby 13 establishments are already attached to the network of the company headed by Felix Sanchez in that community: Poble Nou and Fortuna rooms, belonging to Rodriguez Villar Group. In the coming weeks new additions are planned

New sales record of Metronia’s electronic bingo

By |2014-11-05T13:51:44+00:00November 5th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

On Friday 31st October, BEM achieved the highest turnover in its history by beating the record set last September 26th.  It also exceeded its monthly and daily sales Catalonia’s and Castilla-La Mancha’s network. In Catalonia the monthly record corresponded to five rooms: Montbar, Palm, Gran Penya, El Cid and Castelldefels. In Castilla-La Mancha; Fortuna, Premium

San Miguel Casino in El Salvador chooses Metronia’s videobingos

By |2014-10-22T13:53:07+00:00October 22nd, 2014|Electronic Bingo, Videobingo|

From 5.00 pm of Friday 17th October, there are fully operational videobingo machines installed in the Casino San Miguel in El Salvador. Thus, this renowned establishment has strengthened its offer with the latest games from the company presided by Felix Sanchez in a country where Metronia’s presence is outstanding and contributes to the company’s expansion

Metronia beats new sales record in its electronic bingo network

By |2014-09-29T13:57:47+00:00September 29th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

On Friday 26th September, Metronia reached the maximum turnover in its network similar to that obtained in the rooms of Catalonia, which in recent weeks are beating their every-day sales record. Currently, Metronia has more than fifty interconnected halls in five CCAA, which means undisputed leadership in this game mode. Along with the network’s record

Metronia’s electronic bingo in Catalonia reaches its best record in August

By |2014-09-04T13:59:04+00:00September 4th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

August was the best month for electronic bingo (BeM) in Catalonia and Saturday 30th was the highest grossing in the 11 bingo halls where it operates. The rooms of Catalonia joined the network last April 30th and their sales record have been progressive in the last three months, from June 27th , July 13th and

Agreement between Metronia and the Rotonda Group to operate the Electronic Bingo

By |2014-09-01T16:02:45+00:00September 1st, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

Since last Friday, August 29th, two Emotiva Lounges of the Rotonda Group operate the Electronic Bingo of Metronia after the agreement reached between the firms directed by Félix Sánchez and Ramón Penadés. This refers to the Emotiva 3 Lounge of Albacete and the Emotiva 8 of Villarrobledo (Albacete). Next Wednesday September 3rd a third Lounge

The Gran Casino Lounge in Ciudad Real is incorporated to the Electronic Bingo Network of Metronia

By |2014-07-16T16:03:05+00:00July 16th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

The Gran Casino Lounge in Ciudad Real has been incorporated to the Electronic Bingo Network of Metronia (BEM), with what the Company presided by Félix Sánchez adds and continues its particular relationship of Castilla-La Mancha game establishments. This Lounge, which initially incorporates 18 BEM terminals, is owned by the following Companies: Bisavo, Jesús Barco Cepeda,

The 4 Esquinas Lounge in Leganés joins the Electronic Bingo of Metronia

By |2014-07-04T16:05:33+00:00July 4th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

The 4 Esquinas Lounge in Leganés (Madrid), owned by the entrepreneur Jaime Martín Laborda, has been incorporated to the Electronic Bingo Network of Metronia (BEM). According to the CEJ (Spanish Confederation of Employers of the Bingo Game), the Electronic Bingo will grow more than 100% in 2014, both in the amounts played: from €43.7 million

Metronia achieves its best record in Catalonia with its Electronic Bingo

By |2014-07-02T16:25:32+00:00July 2nd, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

On Sunday June 29th the 11 lounges in Catalonia interlinked to the Electronic Bingo of Metronia (BEM) reached their peak sales figure in nearly two months of activity, a record that exceeds the value of Friday 27th and that represents a significant quantitative leap in that community for the Network that Félix Sánchez presides. Catalonia

The Electronic Bingo of Metronia is played in the Trébol Lounge in Tarancón from this Friday.

By |2014-06-30T16:07:38+00:00June 30th, 2014|Electronic Bingo|

The Trébol Lounge in Tarancón (Cuenca), belonging to the Carrasco Group, has been incorporated to the Electronic Bingo Network of Metronia (BEM) since June 27th. This Lounge, located at 47 Miguel de Cervantes Street, also offers betting to its customers. The recent regulations governing Castilla-La Mancha enables the introduction of the Electronic Bingo in the

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