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“The most desired mystery”
[/subcolumn] [/subrow] [box borderradius=»10px» padding=»20px» inset=»yes»]The best, the easiest, the most desired. The simplicity with just one Bingo ball. Feel the intrigue of what will be your ball, once you have it, get excited when you see your ball, and cry BINGO!.[/box]Available languages:
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[accordions active_panel=»1″][accordion title=»Summary»]
The Club is a «Mystery » game, which is activated while you are playing another Metronia game. It consists of a ball draw.[/accordion]
[accordion title=»Prizes»]
The Club Bingo[/accordion]
[accordion title=»Activation»]
The Club is activated according to the conditions of each game.[/accordion]
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