• [layerslider id=»70″] [band variation=»default» inset=»yes» backgroundimage=»http://metronia.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fondo.jpg»] [row  verticallyalign=»yes»] [column width=»two-third»] [subrow] [subcolumn width=»one-third»] [/subcolumn] [subcolumn width=»two-third»] [gap height=»50″] «Gira y Gana con Queen Roulette Plus» [/subcolumn] [/subrow] [box borderradius=»10px» padding=»20px» inset=»yes»]La reina de las ruletas se ha vuelto más generosa que nunca: aumenta su tabla de premios y, por tanto, las posibilidades de aumentar tus […]

  • [layerslider id=»32″] [band variation=»default» inset=»yes» backgroundimage=»http://metronia.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fondo.jpg»] [row  verticallyalign=»yes»] [column width=»two-third»] [subrow] [subcolumn width=»one-third»] [/subcolumn] [subcolumn width=»two-third»] [gap height=»50″] «¡Apunta, dispara y gana!» [/subcolumn] [/subrow] [box borderradius=»10px» padding=»20px» inset=»yes»]Bombas, carros de combate, explosiones, coroneles, generales… Hazañas bélicas en un juego donde tienes mucho que ganar si aciertas al descubrir los bonus. Los números van saliendo tras […]

  • [layerslider id=»57″] [row  verticallyalign=»yes»] [column width=»two-third»] [subrow] [subcolumn width=»one-third»] [/subcolumn] [subcolumn width=»two-third»] [gap height=»50″] «The 3 lucky dice» [/subcolumn] [/subrow] [box borderradius=»10px» padding=»20px» inset=»yes»]The Chinese immigrants were the ones who at the beginning of the 20th Century introduced the Sic Bo in the west. Since then this game has been gaining ground and today it […]